Hi, I'm Funing Li! I'm a postdoctoral associate at MIT EAPS since September 2023, working with Professor Talia Tamarin-Brodsky. My current research focuses on mid-latitude extreme temperature and convection, as part of the MIT Climate Grand Challenge Project

I have a broad interest in extreme weather (e.g., severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, heat, and precipitation), particularly focusing on their geographical and climatic drivers. I use both full-complexity and idealized global climate models, combined with theory and observations, to probe the formation (why do they look the way they look today?) and evolution (how extreme can extreme weather become as climate changes?) of extreme weather phenomena on Earth.  

Interested in more details on my research? Check out my recent work about the geographical drivers of Tornado Alley published in PNAS. I explained our findings for AGU Eos and PNAS Science Sessions Podcast!

email: funingli@mit.edu

twitter:  @funing11